Jogging Stroller Running Tips

Jogging Stroller Running Tips

The responsibilities of parenthood can be overwhelming – and all too often, your daily workouts are sacrificed as you juggle your new schedule! But a jogging stroller can quickly get you back on track as you can walk, run or jog with your little one on board.

Running with a jogging stroller is challenging at first, but it becomes easier and more exciting as you continue practicing. It’s a harder workout than your average jog, as it involves pushing your child’s weight, the stroller’s weight, and everything in the storage area. However, if you follow the right tips, you can become a better athlete by running with a stroller. You’ll also get plenty of fresh air as well as time to bond with your kid in the great outdoors.

Top 3 Best Jogging Strollers – Comparison

What Is A Jogging Stroller

Baby Trend Range Jogger Stroller,

A jogging stroller or running stroller is designed to assist you in your fitness regime. It has one front wheel, two wheels at the back, and a handlebar for ease of pushing. The three rubber wheels are air-filled to give your child a smooth ride. Most jogging strollers have large hoods or canopies to protect your baby against the sun or rain as you exercise.

Strollers come in various shapes and sizes to suit your training activities such as walking, jogging, or running and the location you use.

When To Start Running With A Jogging Stroller

Running postpartum

Pregnancy takes a heavy toll on your body. As a new mom, you might want to regain your shape as soon as possible. There are various simple exercises you can concentrate on, but running is not usually an option until you’re past six weeks postpartum. Before you embark on running for exercise, consult your obstetrician to assess your physical fitness.

Once you have the green light from your doctor, you can plan your time to accommodate running. At this stage, you can’t run with your baby as they are too young. Instead, you can run as they sleep and your partner watches over them. You can breastfeed or pump milk before leaving for your run to ease pressure on your breasts.

Running with a stroller

Most manufacturers, safety experts, and doctors recommend waiting until your baby is 6 months old before running with them in a jogging stroller. This is because your baby lacks the muscle strength to hold their head upright before six months, and stroller movements could harm both their head and neck.

It is best to start running on flat ground as hills can be challenging to maneuver. Sidewalks are quiet routes that can help build your confidence, but some could be a bit difficult to run on due to their rough terrain. Roads are smooth and convenient, but you should only use them when there’s no traffic.

It is best to begin slowly and build up your runs progressively as your body adapts to running while pushing the stroller with one arm. It would be best if you alternated arms to push the stroller but use both to turn corners. It is essential to prioritize your baby’s needs, so you should postpone your running if they don’t feel comfortable.

3 of the Best Jogging Strollers to Choose From

Best All-terrain Stroller

Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller

The Thule Urban Glide is the perfect all-terrain stroller for jogging or strolling. It is lightweight with large rear wheels for an ultra-smooth ride and a locking front wheel for jogging. The Thule folds compactly for ease of storage.

Its seat reclines, has a padded five-point harness for your child’s comfort and ventilation for air circulation. Its handlebar is adjustable and has a twist-hand brake for ease of control as you move up or downhill.

Easiest to Operate Stroller

BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double Jogging Stroller

The Bob Revolution double stroller is easy to maneuver, perfect for both of your kids, and offers plenty of storage area for extra clothing. It is a wide stroller that moves like a sail during windy days. Its canopy is extra-large and water-resistant to protect against rain and sunlight.

Best Lightweight Stroller

Baby Trend Range Jogger Stroller

Baby Trend is a lightweight stroller with a steel frame and a large storage basket. It offers comfort features such as two parents’ cup holders and compartment storage. It also has two cup holders for your kid’s snacks and drinks. Running with the Baby trend stroller doesn’t require much muscle strength on your arms.

Tips For Running With A Stroller


Child safety is a priority for every running mom. It’s important to use a jogging stroller instead of a regular stroller or travel system for running. This is because regular strollers and travel systems based on a car seat attached to a stroller base are quite heavy and difficult to control at speed, which is risky for both you and your child.

Pick a stroller with a wrist strap connected to its handlebars. Tie the wrist strap to your arm to avoid losing control of the stroller, especially when running downhill.

Choose a safe route that’s not too far away from home. You can alter your schedule if the weather conditions are extreme. A quiet straight road without both cars and other traffic is a suitable route to run on. It is best to run when you have clear visibility of the route and the surroundings.

Inspect your stroller

Check your tires before each run to ensure that none are flat. You should add air to the tires once or twice per month, depending on the mileage you cover. Before you set out for your run, it’s essential to ensure there are no loose screws or missing parts. You can occasionally lubricate the shock piston with bicycle chain lubricant or other oil as recommended by the manufacturer to minimize friction.

Maintaining your stroller will enable you to have a smooth run every time. If your stroller becomes slow or harder to push, you should check the tire pressure.

Lock the front wheel

You can lock and unlock the front wheel using a switch on some strollers, but others have a fixed one. Locking the front wheel is a safety measure for running as it eliminates the risk of the stroller making sudden turns that can make you crash or fall. It’s also essential to strap your child securely with the full harness to keep them from falling out.

Use of headphones

When running with your baby, it is critical to listen to your surroundings. To hear what’s going on around you or your baby cries, you should use just one earbud or simply consider running without any.

Running form

Hold onto the handlebar with one hand as you run. Maintain a straight posture and switch hands every five to fifteen minutes to keep your body balanced. It is also important to switch hands when running for several miles. You should use both hands, with a wrist strap tied on one, for proper control when climbing hills or negotiating corners.

Avoid leaning into the stroller due to fatigue towards the end of your run. Instead, stand upright with your elbows bent at ninety degrees to maintain a good form. You can adopt resistance training exercises if you cannot hold a good posture when running with a stroller. You can also run with both hands on your stroller to help you maintain form and pace.

Don’t push

A good jogging stroller should glide along with you, so you don’t need the effort to push it forward unless when running uphill.

Elbows and shoulders

When holding onto the handlebar, bend your elbows and draw them close to your sides. This will bring the stroller closer and open up your shoulders. Maintain your shoulders at your side all the time for a straight posture. A wide handlebar can help you keep your shoulders open, but you should try to keep them open even if yours is narrow.

Pack all necessities

Most strollers have a basket underneath the seat and other compartments where you can put everything you need for your run. The items include diapers, extra clothes, wipes, snacks, water, and toys to play with. The water should be enough for both of you, the snacks too.

Prepare for the weather

Dress up your kid for the cold weather as you set out and carry a stroller weather shield when you anticipate windy, rainy, or sunny conditions. Avoid overdressing your child during hot days, apply sunscreen and adjust the stroller’s canopy to protect them. You can keep your runs short on extremely cold or hot days or leave the child with a caregiver.

Get the timing right 

You can schedule your runs before your baby’s naptime. Stroller movements are soothing, and your baby will fall asleep in the first few minutes of running. Then, with your sleeping baby, you can run continuously without making any stops.

Baby’s age

You should wait until your baby reaches 6 months before taking them out in a stroller for running. This is because an infant below six months lacks the muscle strength to hold their head upright, and running stroller movements could hurt their head or neck.

Make it enjoyable

For toddlers and preschoolers, you can allow them to play in a nearby park or playground before you run back home. You can also allow them to run the last half-mile with you if they’re interested. The kids will enjoy the ride more if you choose a route with exciting features for them to see.

Start small

Training with a running stroller is a difficult task that requires time to master. Begin with short distances as you and your kid adapt to the new routine. Your pace will be a little slower with a running stroller than when alone. It still enables you to work off more calories, and you can always build up your speed with time.

Sign up for a race

You can consult race organizers to inquire whether they allow stroller runners in their events. You may get a chance to run in the five-mile race or maybe even further. You shouldn’t be discouraged by your speed since your pace per mile decreases when you’re pushing a stroller compared to when you’re not.

You may also get to run in the family fun runs as they unconditionally allow stroller runners to participate.

Additional Perks When Running with a Stroller

Avoid placing too much pressure on yourself. Your body has physically gone through a lot, so you need only a few runs in the first months after delivery and plenty of resting time. You should also postpone running if your body doesn’t feel comfortable. You’ll have many years to run later in life so take great care of yourself and your child until you are both ready.

A stroller that glides along with you is a good choice so you don’t have to apply much effort to push it on flat surfaces. A coach or another experienced mom can help you identify some of the best strollers. Try to keep the stroller close to you with open shoulders and bent elbows, maintaining your form will help you avoid injuries.

As you run with your kids on board, you can play their favorite music instead of using earphones. It is best to run within a few miles away from home, for your kids may get bored and demand to go home.

Be cautious about your pelvic floor. Any discomfort around your pelvis or pee leakage can be a sign of pelvic floor injury. You need to stop running and seek the advice of your obstetrician. You should invest in regular pelvic floor checkups within the first six months postpartum to ensure complete recovery.

Final Thoughts

Having young kids shouldn’t stop you from keeping fit. If you’re a runner or want to be one, you can run with your kids in a stroller. You can liaise with a coach to know the mileage you should cover when training with a stroller.

Motherhood is an exciting journey; you need to balance your fitness schedule, care for your kids, and have a fulfilling life.